Welcome to my research blog as I work on my Doctorate in Business Administration

My blog is meant to express the additional research avenues while working on my dissertation toward my DBA degree. I hope to become Dr. Stephanie Diana Eubank DBA or, as my family (my Big Bear and my Baby Bears), Dr. Bear lovingly calls me.

Since starting this blog, I have started my own consulting firm Wicked B of The West, to help companies cultivate their remote teams and the leaders that work with them. If interested, please check out my social media at:

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Wickedbofthewest

Website: wickedbofthewestremoteconsulting.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WickedBoftheWestBusinessConsulting

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wickedbofthewestconsulting/

Twitter: @SDEubank

Blog: drstephaniebeardbaremoteresearch.org

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephanie-diana-eubank-dba/

Latest from the Blog

Remember, The Best Way To Show A Company is Pro Women Is To Encourage Remote Work

By Stephanie Diana Eubank With March being Women’s History Month, we have to remember the long-standing fights women have had to endure that have gotten us here today. From suffragettes to women demanding to wear pants in the workplace and moving towards more education and a seat at the boardroom table, women have come a…

Remote Work and Mixed Modalities Reveals Easier Way To Bond With Your Team

By Stephanie Eubank Remote work has helped organizational culture evolve and change to fit the natural changes to the business world, such as making remote work more accessible and dynamic. However, there is a small change that has been growing since the early 2000s in business culture, and it actually has helped business leadership bond…

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